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“Green Wedding” and “Mambo Kings”

I must admit I had a blast at a recent literary conversation with authors Oscar Hijuelos and Esmeralda Santiago sponsored by the New York Times at El Museo del Barrio in New York City. The topic had nothing to do with weddings, but I was honored to moderate the event and have “Green […]

Talking Trash

Trash has been on my mind since I attended a workshop on indoor composting for apartment dwellers in New York City. The point? Getting rid of our food waste so that it doesn’t end up in a landfill producing methane, a potent greenhouse gas released during the decomposition process. The Environmental Protection Agency says more […]

Plastic or Reusable?

I recently wrote a piece for the New York Times about a proposal by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to charge six cents a bag for those flimsy throwaways you get at the drug store or supermarket. These bags are an environmental nuisance that have been banned or taxed all over the world, […]