In these tough economic times, do not underestimate the reach of the online marketplace when you’re planning a wedding. A quick perusal of sites that facilitate the sale of wedding items (Craigslist, eBay, BravoBride and others) will yield not just the usual second-hand inventory but also brand new merchandise that may suddenly become available because of cancelled weddings, wrong sizes and other mishaps. If you need it, chances are another couple are selling it, and for the right price. Among my bargain finds when I checked with Craigslist the other day in New York City:
a)a “never worn” Isaac Mizrahi wedding gown for $50; b)a veil, tiara and purse for $50 each or $120 for all three items c)a set of two champagne flutes for $5 d)an 8-foot outdoor arch for $10.
Of course, you can also get that used $15,000 Vera Wang couture mermaid gown for only $5,900. Whether used or new, look for what suits your taste and budget while also keeping in mind its recycling potential. Then after the wedding, it’s back to the Web, as a seller!
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