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StepdogJournal #6

MN: “…Eddie never failed to draw oohs and aahs as he sniffed his way down the street…”

SD: “The spots are my charm.”

StepdogJournal #5

MN: “I tried to be nice to you. I let you out so you could tan.”

SD: “Big deal.”

StepdogJournal #4

MN: “We moved in together but you still barked at me.”

SD: “You stressed me out.”

StepdogJournal #3

MN: “You were so standoffish. Jim called you big galoot. What’s a galoot?”

SD: “A big tough guy.”

StepdogJournal #2

MN: “The first night I stayed over, you peed outside the bedroom door. Who does THAT?”

SD: “I was jealous.”

StepdogJournal #1

SD: “Your wrote a book? About me? I’m speechless.”

MN: “It’s just the galley.”

Check out my new book: “Stepdog,” coming from Putnam’s April 2015

When I met my husband, Jim, I found the man of my dreams. He was a fellow journalist, a divorced father of two and a beautiful human being. But he came with Eddie, a rescue dog who peed outside the bedroom door the first night I stayed over. “He’s never done that,” Jim said, mystified.
