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Minnesota Public Radio

Elle – June 2015

The New York Times Close Up (video)

The New York Times

Psychology Today

The Brian Lehrer Show (radio)

The New York Post

Chicago Tribune

The Irish Independent



The 419


Interview with “El Super Show” (video in Spanish)

Teleconference with Las Comadres/National Latino Book Club

El Nuevo Dia

El Nuevo Dia


Los Angeles Times

The Star-Ledger


Modern Dog Magazine

Shelf Awareness

Barnes & Noble

South China Morning Post

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Providence Journal

Elle Reader Letters

Library Staff pick

Las Comadres 2015 Summer Reading List


Latina Book Club

Dialogo UPR (in Spanish)

El Nuevo Dia  (In Spanish)

“Estas memorias tan sui generis estan escritas en un estilo tan ameno, tan lleno de humor y de ingenio, que leerlas es como sostener una conversacion deliciosa con una amiga apreciada que nos contara las incidencias hilarantes (y a veces tensas) de una vida inusual.”


Crain’s New York

Elle Magazine

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Palm Spring Brides

Daytona Beach News-Journal

Smitten Magazine (March-April 2012 issue, pages 158-59)

NewWeddingPlanet (video)

USA Today

ABC7 (video)

The Christian Science Monitor

The Today Show.com


Mother Nature Network (story)

Mother Nature Network (video)

NY1 Close-Up (video)

MSNBC Interview: Green Wedding (video, last segment of the show)

InStyle Weddings – Spring 2009


Chicago Social Brides Magazine

Arizona Daily Star

VIV Magazine

“You & Your Wedding” magazine (United Kingdom)

Green Living Magazine

Dreamscapes Travel and Lifestyle Magazine (March 2009, page 6)


The Jewish Week

Vows Magazine

AM New York


Palisadian Post

Ellas Y….(Channel 13, San Juan, P.R.)

Puerto Rico Daily Sun (click below)

Interview with MujerLatinaBlog.com (in Spanish)

Primera Hora (in Spanish)