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Everyone Is A Critic

CAT: “I just read “Stepdog” and I’m with the stepmom. Dogs are such trouble.”

SD: “The word is complex. Dogs are complex. Now SCRAM!”

Summer Doldrums

MN: “It’s finally warm out, Eddie. Let’s take a walk.”

SD: “You go ahead. I’m waiting for winter.”

Feel An Author’s Pain

This is why I don’t take Eddie to “Stepdog” book events!

Stepdog Book Launch at Instituto Cervantes

“Stepdog” officially came out in the world in balmy 70-degree weather at Instituto Cervantes, a Spanish government cultural center that serves as a peaceful oasis in the frenzy of midtown Manhattan. The center has classrooms for Spanish language classes, a gallery and an auditorium where my colleague at the NY Times, Janny Scott, author of the biography  “A Singular Woman,” about President Obama’s late mother, interviewed me on the challenges of stepmotherhood. We later moved on to the Instituto’s lovely garden for the book party.

MN: “The Stepdog event was so much fun, Eddie. Everyone wanted to know what I learned after 10 years living with you.”

SD: “Never underestimate the dog.”

Another Sunday

"Bunch of gluttons"

Bad Dog

MN: “What the….Eddieeeeeee!”
SD: “Wasn’t me.”

“Stepdog” April Events Just Scheduled

Please take note of these upcoming “Stepdog” events. Hope to see you all there!

April 21:  Release of “Stepdog,” a humorous memoir published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

April 22: Talk, Q&A, Signing, 7 P.M.

Watchung Booksellers

54 Fairfield St.

Montclair, NJ 07042

April 29: In Conversation with Janny Scott, 7 P.M.

Instituto Cervantes

211 East 49th Street

New York, NY 10017

Stepdog Journal #10

MN: “You seemed to resent that you were the dog and I was the bride. That’s why we kenneled you for the wedding.”
SD: “Ask me if I care.”

Stepdog Journal #9

MN: “What’s wrong? You look stressed out.”

SD: “Did you hear someone say “bath?”

Stepdog Journal #8

MN: “…and then we can go to the park and…”

SD: “Let’s first play who can keep quiet the longest.”