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New Beginnings: How to Re-use Your Wedding Dress

“Project Runway” on Lifetime has been the same fabulous “Project Runway” so far — entertaining and always on top of trends. The latest episode (#8) showed viewers how a wedding dress can be converted into something wondrous instead of dying a slow death in the closet. True, what prompted the challenge was divorce — all the models had been divorced or were in the process of getting divorce and wanted to start anew by destroying their wedding dress and having it be reborn into something that would put them on the path to a new life. But the principle of re-using the wedding dress applies to all brides, including those that follow up their dream wedding with a happy and long lasting marriage. Watch the episode for ideas, and live happily green ever after! Check out “A Fashionable New Beginning” at http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/shows/project-runway/project-runway-episodes/project-runway-season-6-episode-8/videos

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