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Stepdog on Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club Summer Reading List

What do “Stepdog” and “The House on Mango Street” have in common? We both made it on Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club’s first ever Summer Reading List!

Started in partnership with the Association of American Publishers, Las Comadres/FNLBC promote books written in English by Latino authors. They have 15,000 members and hold […]

La Casa Azul Bookstore this Sunday 6/28 at 2pm

MN: The “Stepdog” reading at La Casa Azul in East Harlem is at 2pm this Sunday, Eddie. It will be followed by live bolero music! Are you coming?”

SD: “Is there air conditioning?”


Public Radio Listeners Vent About Jealous Dogs, Cats and Even Horses!

One of the greatest pleasures I’ve had as the author of “Stepdog” has been listening to others talk about their experiences with jealous pets. During a recent interview with Kerri Miller, of Minnesota Public Radio, a woman listener called in to say her horse “hated” her boyfriend and chased after him to try to bite […]