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The Treaty of Montclair

As odd as it sounds, I finally made peace with my stepdog Eddie in Montclair.

A 40-pound Blue Heeler mix with dark spots on white fur, Eddie and I had been waging war for nearly ten years, ever since I stayed over at my then boyfriend Jim’s townhouse in Los Angeles and his dog […]

It’s Not Just Eddie and Me

In a Psychology Today article, New York psychologist Guy Winch notes that pets are a frequent source of arguments among couples.

Who should walk the dog?

Who should clean up after the cat?

Feeding mice to your snake — seriously?

Dr. Winch even cites an Associated Press poll that found that 14 percent of respondents […]

Everyone Is A Critic

CAT: “I just read “Stepdog” and I’m with the stepmom. Dogs are such trouble.”

SD: “The word is complex. Dogs are complex. Now SCRAM!”

Summer Doldrums

MN: “It’s finally warm out, Eddie. Let’s take a walk.”

SD: “You go ahead. I’m waiting for winter.”

Feel An Author’s Pain

This is why I don’t take Eddie to “Stepdog” book events!

Stepdog Book Launch at Instituto Cervantes

“Stepdog” officially came out in the world in balmy 70-degree weather at Instituto Cervantes, a Spanish government cultural center that serves as a peaceful oasis in the frenzy of midtown Manhattan. The center has classrooms for Spanish language classes, a gallery and an auditorium where my colleague at the NY Times, Janny Scott, author of […]