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The current economic crisis has made eloping fashionable! So reports the Nov. 23 Sunday Styles section of the New York Times, quoting couples who “found themselves resenting the money and effort required” in hosting a wedding. Sounds familiar? As I discuss in the “Venue” chapter of Green Wedding, there may be a happy medium between […]

Plastic or Reusable?

I recently wrote a piece for the New York Times about a proposal by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to charge six cents a bag for those flimsy throwaways you get at the drug store or supermarket. These bags are an environmental nuisance that have been banned or taxed all over the world, […]


We have a new president who pledged to invest billions of dollars in renewable energy sources, create millions of “green jobs” and propose legislation to sharply cut our greenhouse gas emissions. The environment, in fact, was front and center in the presidential race at a time such weighty issues as global warming and clean energy […]

Go Local! (Or Maybe Not?)

One of the things couples are learning in trying to build green principles into their wedding plans is that there are often complex trade offs to be made, not black and white decisions. Take the question of sourcing. We often hear that buying local is best when deciding on food, flowers and other elements of […]