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Top 10 Latino Authors

Thanks to the “Authors to Watch and Read” list for including me and “Stepdog” in their 2016 top ten roster.

“This New York Times writer shows that she fully understands humanity and our relationship with lovers, friends and dogs. At times laugh out loud funny, “Stepdog” is an imaginative , entertaining work.”

Here are the […]

Summer Doldrums

MN: “It’s finally warm out, Eddie. Let’s take a walk.”

SD: “You go ahead. I’m waiting for winter.”

Another Sunday

"Bunch of gluttons"

Stepdog Journal #8

MN: “…and then we can go to the park and…”

SD: “Let’s first play who can keep quiet the longest.”

Stepdog Journal #7

MN: “You and your daddy look cute together.”

SD: “He’s mine.”