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How Not To Have a Green Wedding

Sean Parker, the founding president of Facebook, had the millions of dollars to throw the wedding of his dreams. Unfortunately, he got in trouble with California authorities for choosing a redwood grove as the venue and then going a bit too far with decorations to make it an “enchanted forest.”

Any green bride could have […]


The current economic crisis has made eloping fashionable! So reports the Nov. 23 Sunday Styles section of the New York Times, quoting couples who “found themselves resenting the money and effort required” in hosting a wedding. Sounds familiar? As I discuss in the “Venue” chapter of Green Wedding, there may be a happy medium between […]

Farm Weddings for City Slickers

Country weddings can push some city slickers out of their comfort zone

Oh, the beauty of a country wedding, be it at a farm or a winery. But what do you do when your elegant affair could be marred by the cries of female guests pointing at stiletto heels stuck in the grass?
